Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 10

It’s nice to “see” you all back here!

Giardino, J. (CC) 2014 Retrieved from
I don’t think I have fully expressed how much I enjoy Feedly! I set it up way back at the beginning of the semester and every week I get to enjoy articles on topics I am actaully interested in! As I may have mentioned a time or two before, I try to live an active lifestyle and today I found an article that shocked me! “Exercising for Healthier Eyes,” does that sound right to you!? I thought we were supposed to eat carrots to have healthy eyes, not exercise! I have been misinformed! As you can probably predict, I read on so I could inform all you lovely people (maybe a little bit for myself too ;)! The research done on humans so far is limited but tests done on rats lead us to believe this could actually be true! Like our brains, our retinas are filled with neurons, and as these deteriorate, so does our eyesight. Long story short, technology has allowed us to measure these neurones. Those rats that exercise show increased growth factors, which keep the neurons from degeneration in the brain and eyes. Although it will take a long time to have studies from humans, I personally believe that if this happens to animals then it most likely happens to us! So why not go out, get some exercise, and feel great! Maybe we can even do fun things outside soon…. if winter ever ends!

I know one thing that seems to be never ending, the tools that we learn about every week! The people organizing this course seem to have an endless supply J. This week we explored some slideshow tools; Animoto, Photopeach and Prezi are my preferred choices. I find that Prezi is very useful in the school environment to present information in a creative way, while Animoto and Photopeach are tailored for the use of photos. In my personal life, and beyond university, it is most likely that I will use Photopeach again. It is very useful for school related presentations, as well as for personal use to display pictures to friends and family. The downfall with this, as it seems to be with all the similar tools, is that the free version is very limited compared to its full capabilities. There is a limited amount of pictures you can put in one presentation and the song choices are VERY limited. This is true for both Animoto and Photopeach.

I think that I could and would add Prezi and Photopeach to my PLE. I choose Photopeach over Animoto because a larger amount of pictures can be included in the free version of Photopeach. I love the idea of Prezi, it is far more eye catching than a simple (and possibly overdone) Powerpoint presentation! And the tool is also very user friendly. Using these tools will allow me to create visually appealing presentations, and will also contribute to the learning of others. When information is presented in an interesting manner, it is much easier (and more fun!) to learn. For this reason, they both shall go in create!

Well, that’s all folks! Don’t worry, we still have 2 more weeks left of exploring together!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sabrina,

    Thank you for sharing that article from your RSS feed reader, I enjoyed reading it very much. I am a strong believer that incorporating exercise into your life is beneficial in many ways, both mentally and physically, however I have never heard about exercise being beneficial for the eyes! Although, I'm not really surprised because it seems that researchers keep finding more and more benefits of being physically active. I guess we can relate this to digital health and wellness in the sense that we can counteract all the eye strain from being on the computer all day with a little bit of exercise!
    Also, like you, I myself would add Prezi to my PLE as I find this to be a great tool for classroom presentations. I feel that Prezi is superior to PowerPoint in the sense that it is something different and can grab the attention of the audience. Also, I find it very user friendly, so anyone can use this great tool. Great job on your post.

