The newest tool that I have been exposed to, and adds to my digital literacy is VoiceThread. This is a tool that allows people to make interactive presentations. They can use text, voice clips and videos to get their point across and make learning easier and more interesting. Also, the audience of the presentation can comment and add their knowledge using the methods I mentioned above and also have the option to call in or upload a file. Technology allows us many opportunities, which grow our knowledge and understanding, the possibilities are endless. After having used this tool, I understand the benefits that it can bring to groups of people collaborating together on a common topic but I cannot personally see the use in my PLE.

There are many wonderful tools that we have explored in the past 9 weeks. While all of them serve their purpose, not everyone does the same type of work to be able to reap the benefits all the tools have to offer. At this point in my life I do not do the type of work that would need this kind of collaboration. I still believe the best tool we have explored for creating is Google Docs. However, knowledge is power and having been exposed to VoiceThread, I have more knowledge. Like technology, life is always changing, there may come a time where a tool such as this will be exactly what I need. Until then, I will put that information in my back pocket and hold on to it until it is needed.  

If you are interested in seeing how this tool works and what our thoughts are on digital rights and responsibilities, please take a look at the presentation below!


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